Tricity Plumbing Services

  • Exact Housing by Exact Housing
  • 3 years ago

Tricity Plumbing Services is a locally owned and operated business that is based in Chandigarh city. The team of technicians is insured and highly skilled. They cover a huge range of services such as repair leaks, bathroom installation and supply. They are well equipped and experienced for the job at hand. They pride themselves on providing a personalized and reliable professional service at competitive costs. Tricity Plumbing Services serves Chandigarh and also the surrounding areas. They are specialized in residential and commercial plumbing repairs, water heaters, commercial sewer, drain cleaning, plumbing remodeling, leak detection, new plumbing fixtures and pump services. Tricity Plumbing Service in Chandigarh offers the full package of plumbing services such as pipe fittings and bathroom fittings, Their service is very commendable and they complete their task in time with full efficiency.

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